Carried over (just being like the mob)

I have had a blog account for ages but never had my costuming here.... so being like everyone else I am going have both a blog and LJ about my costuming.

I start with the lastest LJ entry ...

Aaahhhh here we go again... Irish dance dress .... Commission #3 for Irish dance lady.

But this time I am pretty cool with it all. I attended a feis where the girl danced in commission #2 and it has me actually inspired to make this dress.

Of course the design is completely different again so we are at the mock up stage which is going really well. I only wish I had a child size dress dummy. I have managed to pin it to my lady at the smallest size just to get some idea but a real size dummy would be so much better.O

Once mock up is done, it goes off with irish dance lady for approval.

In the mean time I can concentrate on a couple of other projects:

1. Lower class Regency outfit for my son - 2 shirts, pants, woolen vest and cap. Pants are first.
2. Good friends of mine are expecting a baby in a month and I want to make at least a Regency bonnet, but a full infants outfit if I can.

Speaking of mens outfits and good friends of mine, here are a couple of pics of the Jackets I made for the gent....

The Red one is his favourite.
I have made 3 now for this gent and learning heaps about jacket tailoring.
