Well there ya go

 I'm all done!!! The wedding dress is finished, only a week later than I planned, but we will put that down to my very poor time management skills.

So a few things I learnt:

Lesson 1 although I do this routinely for my historical costumes, apparently it is couture to interline even heavy weight satin.

Lesson 2 do not use pressing cloths on satin with a black (or I would imagine any strong coloured) ironing board cover, disaster. The black marked the satin, HOWEVER with a little product called stain go, all marks are gone and disaster avoided.

Lesson 3 don't underestimate how long things can take, it will usually take longer.

Lesson 4 tea can dye polyester 

So venture if you may some sneak peeks - full dress will be revealed after Saturday (or when the bride allows)

So on to the next project: 

improving my natural form bustle. This will entail making a bustle cage (from Francis Grimble), adding extra trim and maybe some embroidery and raising the skirt a tad.

This will be my life for the next 6 months - one project straight after another 



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